Some of the cast of Hearts of Steel attends the Caribbean Tales Film Festival screening

Some of the cast of Hearts of Steel attends the Caribbean Tales Film Festival screening

Gayle Wilmot and executive producer Kim Davidson attend the Hamilton Film Festival screening

Gayle Wilmot and executive producer Kim Davidson attend the Hamilton Film Festival screening

Gayle Wilmot and some of the cast attend the Toronto Short Film Festival screening

Gayle Wilmot and some of the cast attend the Toronto Short Film Festival screening

Jaigan McKenley (cast), family and friends attend the Toronto Short Film Festival screening

Jaigan McKenley (cast), family and friends attend the Toronto Short Film Festival screening

Gayle Wilmot and Kim Davidson attend the Hearts of Steel screening at Cayfilm in the Cayman Islands

Gayle Wilmot and Kim Davidson attend the Hearts of Steel screening at Cayfilm in the Cayman Islands

Kim Davidson, Hearts of Steel’s executive producer, accepts Oscar at the 2018 Academy Awards Scientific and Technical awards presentation.

Kim Davidson, Hearts of Steel’s executive producer, accepts Oscar at the 2018 Academy Awards Scientific and Technical awards presentation.

Gayle Wilmot at the Q&A of the Caribbean Tales Film Festival screening

Gayle Wilmot at the Q&A of the Caribbean Tales Film Festival screening

Jaigan McKenley (cast) and proud Mom, Cheryl, at the Toronto Short Film Festival screening

Jaigan McKenley (cast) and proud Mom, Cheryl, at the Toronto Short Film Festival screening

Gayle Wilmot accepts award for Best Short Documentary at the Utah Film Awards

Gayle Wilmot accepts award for Best Short Documentary at the Utah Film Awards

JK Pan Vibrations players throughout the years gather to celebrate their leader, Cecil Clarke and the success of the film

JK Pan Vibrations players throughout the years gather to celebrate their leader, Cecil Clarke and the success of the film

Tony “Pan Jumbie” Williams, in studio, working on creating the score for Hearts of Steel

Tony “Pan Jumbie” Williams, in studio, working on creating the score for Hearts of Steel

Gayle Wilmot accepts the Caribbean Spirit Award at the Caribbean Tales Film Festival

Gayle Wilmot accepts the Caribbean Spirit Award at the Caribbean Tales Film Festival

Cam Anderson, editor, works with Gayle to polish the final cut of the film, Hearts of Steel

Cam Anderson, editor, works with Gayle to polish the final cut of the film, Hearts of Steel

Cecil Clarke, long-time band leader of the JK Pan Vibrations band, whose story is told in Hearts of Steel

Cecil Clarke, long-time band leader of the JK Pan Vibrations band, whose story is told in Hearts of Steel

Gayle Wilmot accepts the award for Best Short Documentary at the Park City Film Festival

Gayle Wilmot accepts the award for Best Short Documentary at the Park City Film Festival

Bruce Fowler and Mike Duncan work on completing the sound mix for Hearts of Steel

Bruce Fowler and Mike Duncan work on completing the sound mix for Hearts of Steel